This page (revision-46) was last changed on 07-Jul-2022 01:31 by admin

This page was created on 07-Jul-2022 01:31 by unknown

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
46 07-Jul-2022 01:31 2 KB admin to previous
45 07-Jul-2022 01:31 2 KB admin to previous | to last
44 07-Jul-2022 01:31 2 KB admin to previous | to last
43 07-Jul-2022 01:31 2 KB admin to previous | to last
42 07-Jul-2022 01:31 2 KB admin to previous | to last
41 07-Jul-2022 01:31 2 KB admin to previous | to last

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The name Outback evokes our core values - Resilience, Ingenuity and Effectiveness in a harsh and unpredicable environment, the ability to make the most of available resources, often surprisingly elegantly, ethically and with good (if dry) humour. Our values have a long track record of underpinning our clients' successes, time and again. \\ \\ And, we're proudly Australian, Regional Queenslanders - we love our country, whose Traditional Owners and Elders past, present and emerging we honour.
The name Outback evokes our core values - Resilience, Ingenuity and Effectiveness in a harsh and unpredicable environment, the ability to make the most of the resources at hand, often far exceeding expectations, Ethically and with good (if Dry) humour. \\ \\ And, we're proudly Australian, Regional Queenslanders - we love our country, whose Traditional Owners and Elders past, present and emerging we honour.
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