!!In good hands
Outback Software comprises [2 consultants with 30 years continuous experience each|About Outback Software] in Attache Software (Attache 4, Attache5, Business Partner, Attache7, Attache Accounts, Attache Payroll, Attache BI). 

!!Network of experts
Being part of the Attache Consultant Network - up to 200 consultants Australia-wide - for 30 years has left us with a rare network of independent trusted professionals we are happy to refer you to as appropriate.  These are people we have worked with and know personally and professionally, with known capabilities and offering certain value.  We have associates who can assist with everything Attache-related from Bookkeeping and General Ledger Reconciliation to Accounts and Payroll End of Financial Year procedures and processing. We are also in close contact with 3rd party hardware, software and services providers -  we often liaise with technical 3rd parties on behalf of our clients to facilitate the needed result.

!!Attache Help - expert professional advice
We have assisted many hundreds of small, medium and large enterprises with issues faced by everyone from the payroll operator to the CFO and external auditors.  If circumstances demand, we can provide the highest standards of professional business technology consulting from PowerLink and Attache to Hardware and InterNetworking Data and Security.