!!Support Agreement Terms and Conditions This document describes the nature of the standard Support Agreement that we have found suits most mid-sized businesses, with most systems. Where appropriate, agreements are negotiable.\\ %%columns Within the paid Support Agreement subscription period and directly regarding the Supported System, when a trained operator is unsure how to proceed (e.g. an error message during normal operation or a novel circumstance is encountered), services provided regarding the Supported System as appropriate to the situation: \\ \\ * To investigate issues reported by any of email, phone, remote connection * To liaise with external parties e.g. IT provider, Attache Consultant * To provide technical advice by any of email, phone, remote connection \\ are not charged additional to the Support Agreement subscription fees for the Supported System.\\ ---- %%quote %%label-warning Examples of chargeable services /% \\ \\ Chargeable services include but are not limited to: \\ - training new operators or documentation writing \\ - installation or upgrade of software \\ - configuration of new companies or users \\ - data repair, manipulation, restoration or compression \\ - security remediation including virus or malware cleaning \\ - disaster recovery /% /% Within the paid Support Agreement subscription period, all services are given elevated priority. \\ Chargeable services related to Supported Systems are provided at 25% discount.\\ Chargeable services NOT related to Supported Systems are provided at 16.6% discount.\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\