
WikiNames are traditionally written using ~InterCapping, also known as ~CamelCase (starting with uppercase letter, and at least another uppercase letter in the wiki link word). This makes the creation of internal hyperlinks really easy.

However, in this WikiWiki the links are written using the [link] notation, as the original ~InterCapping style of linking is occasionally confusing. The names still conform to the WikiWiki standard, if you look at the URL at the top.

Names are crushed, i.e. [This is a link] becomes [ThisIsALink]. However, underscores and dots are retained, so you can have a link like this: [This_is_a_link], or [This.Is.A.Link]. All non-alphanumeric characters except for '_' and '.' are removed (that is, all characters that are not letters or numbers), so that [John's page] becomes [JohnsPage]. This allows you to type normal sentences which are then turned into links, like when talking about Wiki etiquette.

A WikiName can not be a number. Numeric names are used for footnotes.